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CA Karunasree samudrala

CA Karunasree samudrala as a founder partner in Samudrala K&CO LLP Charteted accountants have versatile experience in conducting statutory/ internal audits of different organisations such as Pubic sector/ private sector Limited companies as well as private limited companies and Bank concurrent audits apart from tax audits.

She has many certifications on internal auditor conducted by ICAI, certification course on concurrent audit of banks ,NPO, Insolvencey and bankruptcy code and IFRS(ICAI) and DISA

She has certified Independent corporate Director- appointed as woman Independent director for Roopa industries limited and Apollo micro systems limited She worked as an internal auditor / Risk based auditor of the Karvy group of companies During that time I have audited stock broker audit known as (KSBL)and registry , transfer agent known as (KCSPL) and investment banking and TIN operations And also worked as Manager Finance and accounts in Janapriya group of companies during that time I have interacted with all the Big 4 auditors representing different SPV's of Janapriya group

She is mentor for small and medium units and helping them to get funds from different Banks as well as NPO's and acting as financial doctor to keep the units in tact and to grow further and Increase their Networth.

She is serving NRI clients for their businesses in India and filing their returns and also done to improve their accounts in quick books and other software's for them.

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